Active Projects
Thrust Vector Control enables us to steer our engines via the manipulation of the direction of thrust.
A 3kN liquid bi-propellant engine with advanced embedded sensors, used for public demonstration and performance modeling.
Our materials science team that is creating new thermally insulative and ablative materials for our propulsion system.
The Test Cell will be our new engine testing facility, a permanent fixture for our rocket propulsion systems.
The Gen-II electronics, firmware, and software that controls the safe and successful ignition and firing of a Propulsion System.
Reliable power systems that handle special requirements related to weight, high-power delivery, modularity, and extreme weather.
A LOX-safe capacitive sensor and processing module to ensure our LOX tanks are filled and operated correctly.
A breakthrough in cost-effective precision fluid measurement to support propulsion system feedback and control.
Completed Projects
A 3kN liquid rocket engine made from wood composite ablative material - a leap towards sustainable rocket propulsion.
The first-generation flight computer and RF payload, sent to 27km in altitude and retrieved 250km from the launch site.
SFU Rocketry’s first Liquid Rocket Engine - a 3kN heatsink engine with supporting fluids systems.
The small rocket engine that ignites the big rocket engine.
The structural system that safely supports rocket engines and fluids systems, while bracing against large forces.
The electronics, firmware, and software that controls the safe and successful ignition and firing of a Propulsion System.